Friday, December 28, 2012

It's Probably Already Too Late

Prepare yourself.  The "Elites"  are about to make their move. if you wonder what I'm talking about or after you read the article I have linked below, you say; "Oh that will never happen" or "Oh sure but HOW are they going to do that?" then you need to read the book "The Overton Window" by Glenn Beck. Now Click on the link and read the article.  It confirms a lot of what I have been telling you over the last months. Read it and then PASS IT AND THE LINK TO THIS BLOG, ON to EVERYONE YOU CAN, WHILE YOU STILL CAN....  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Suicideocracy  ( su-i-side-ah-cra-ce )
A system of government where the least competent to lead, are elected by the least capable of making an intelligent choice and where the least willing to sustain themselves, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by confiscating the wealth of the producers until there are none left.  e.g.  21 Century America.

Is this where we are headed?  Or are we already past the point of no return? 

Gun Ban Stupidity

Again we are hearing a drumbeat to ban guns of one form or another. Come, let us reason together.  Switzerland issues every household a rifle!   Every Swiss citizen is considered responsible for defense of the nation. Their Government Trains every adult they issue a rifle.  Switzerland has the LOWEST GUN RELATED CRIME RATE OF ANY CIVILIZED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD !!!   CLEARLY GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM.   Instead we should be talking about why so many of our young people are willing to kill innocent men, women, and children. WE have a MENTAL ILLNESS AND MORALITY PROBLEM in this nation. THAT is an issue that we should ALL AGREE to do something about.   And the fact that in the last 20 years,  16 violent incidents inside of schools involving guns or bladed weapons, were committed by individuals who were taking antidepressants at the time; should make us look at how these people are supervised.  I'm sure you have noticed TV commercials that list one of the "side effects" of many of these antidepressant drugs as suicide.  Maybe they should add "murder"  to the list.    

Let us pray for the families who have lost their greatest blessings, their children and loved ones, let us grieve as a nation for the senseless loss, then let's get to work on the REAL problem we face.                

Thanks for your time and may God bless and protect each and everyone of you and your families.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Obama’s BRILIANT Plan

With regard to the connection between taxes and the economy, Wednesday night, and yesterday on the campaign trail, the President once again displayed his astounding ignorance. 

When pressed to elaborate on what type of taxes on the “Rich” could  he see imposing or increasing, he said he could see putting a “tax on private/executive jets”.  Oh that tickles the ear of middle and lower class Joe and Jane….  “Ya” they say,  “those rich SOBs flying around in their private jets should pay more.  And if they can afford that plane, they can afford to pay a bigger share…. It’s only FAIR.”    Sounds good…. Right?  Well let’s look at the consequences of that type of Tax Strategy from the vantage point of history.  That’s right HISTORY… Or as George Santayana put it:             Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
So let’s go back to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. It had been labeled the Robin Hood tax by some economists because it would help “transfer money from the rich to the poor”.  Sound familiar ??? Yeah, that’s right, it’s Obama’s favorite theme for fanning the flames of “Class Envy”.  Get the lower and middle classes envious of the wealthy and in the mood to raise their taxes to; “make it fair”, to level the playing field”, blah, blah, blah.   

Well back in 1990 not everyone saw it that way, however.  A rare group of blue-chip retailers and blue-collar workers denounced it as a “disaster tax”.  The "luxury tax" that Congress adopted that year as part of a “comprehensive deficit-reduction plan”, sound familiar again ??? . The new 10% excise tax was tacked onto such goods as yachts, private airplanes, jewelry and furs.  The act was in the name of “fairness”, of course,  a stern tax on "luxury items"  (things those nasty “Rich” people buy).   Those items included high end automobiles, private aircraft, jewelry and furs.  And yachts costing more than $100,000.

Now in 1990 there were NO luxury excise taxes, all of them having been repealed in 1965, under who?  Oh yeah that was Johnson, a Democrat.  And Kennedy lowered taxes on the “Rich” job creators and the economy grew and revenue to the Treasury went up.    This works EVERY TIME IT HAS BEEN DONE, but perhaps every quarter-century or so government just cannot help itself but go on a "fairness" bender, the memory of the painful consequences from similar misadventures having been long forgotten.

In 1990 the Joint Committee on Taxation projected that the 1991 revenue yield from luxury taxes would be $31 million. It was only $16.6 million (about half) Why?  Because, big surprise now,  the taxation changed behavior: Fewer “Rich” people bought the taxed products.  Demand went down when prices went up. Washington was amazed. People bought their yachts overseas.  “Oh my Buffy”  Yeah, that’s right, “Rich” people could go overseas and buy their yachts and the lower cost over there and the tax savings would more than pay for them to fly over to say Indonesia, Thailand or Italy, custom order their yacht, enjoy a nice vacation there, fly home,  and still be ahead dollar wise.   Who would have thought that would happen???   DUH…  HOW ABOUT ANYBODY WITH A BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF ECONOMICS,  HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND THE ABILITY TO THINK.  Unfortunately, there always seems to be too few of those people in Congress. 

So what did happen when this “Brilliant Tax The Rich Plan” went into effect ???  Well according to a study done for the Joint Economic Committee, the tax destroyed 330 jobs in jewelry manufacturing, 1,470 in the aircraft industry and 7,600 in the boating industry (This doesn’t even include the jobs lost in the fur and auto industry).  These were GOOD PAYING JOBS.  The job losses cost the government a total of $24.2 MILLION in unemployment benefits and lost income tax revenues.  So the “net” effect of the taxes on the “Rich” was a loss of $7.6 million in fiscal 1991.  That’s right;  the plan resulted in a loss of JOBS and TAX DOLLARS.   Which means the government projection was off by $38.6 million, in just the first year, BRILLIANT!   Yeah, that type of thinking worked so well back then; that Obama wants to DO  IT AGAIN ?  Oh! That makes a lot of sense….   IF,  YOU WANT TO KILL JOBS AND REDUCE REVENUE TO THE TREASURY.  Or as Forrest Gump said “Stupid is as stupid does”.  Is the President really that stupid?

Let’s put this type of  STUPID, MORONIC THINKING IN THE TRASH ONCE AND FOR ALL, can we?   It has been calculated many times, that if the federal government imposed ….  in the name of “fairness”, of course….  a 100 % tax on ALL the earnings, of  ALL the  millionaires in the country, the sum would suffice to run the federal government for just a couple of  WEEKS, that’s right WEEKS.  The problem with that type of thinking is that it uses a "static analysis" model.   That is, it does not allow for behavioral changes the tax would provoke: No one would earn the one-millionth dollar, thereby triggering the 100% Confiscation Tax, so the revenue yield from the 100% rate on millionaires would be ZERO.  Or to put it another way; 100% of nothing is NOTHING.   The “Rich” are not going to just sit there and take it.  They will change their behavior just like anybody else would. 

For example; let’s say you are a multi-millionaire and you own a business making furniture (one of the few things we still manufacture in this country) and your 150 employees make a good wage plus benefits and a matching contribution to their 401k plan.  But Obama says that you make too much money and besides you didn’t build that company without help from others and the government, so you owe them a bigger share than what you are giving now and he is going to tax you at say 50% of everything you make over $250,000.  Well to some people that may seem fair because they don’t make anywhere near that amount per year.  But to you;  the business owner who worked 100+ hours per week to grow your company from a one man operation working out of your garage to what it is today,  and to you who still puts in 60+ hours per week and who is on call 24/7, and to you who is responsible for all the bills to keep this company solvent so those 150 employees have a job tomorrow.  To you, that $250,000+  income is not extravagant; it’s what you have been sacrificing all these years to get to.  And now they want to take even more of that away from you….   what are you going to do?  Well; being that you are a businessperson, you would ask yourself some questions and evaluate your options, wouldn’t you?  So let’s do that.  You would ask yourself:

-         Does it make sense for me to continue to grow my business here?

-         What is the risk to reward?

-         If I raise my prices to make up the loss of personal income, will that make more of my customers turn to foreign suppliers and will that mean I have to fire some workers because of lower production requirements?

-         Should I sell the business?  What will that mean for my employees?

-         Should I move the company to a state with lower labor costs to increase my gross profit and therefore my personal income to make up for what I am losing to the increased tax on me?  What will that mean for my employees?

-         Should I look at taking my company offshore where labor costs are lower and where there are lower Capital Gains taxes for my company?  In fact some places have incentives for me to move my company there.  Incentives like NO taxes the first 5 years.  Would that make it worth moving?

So, let me ask you, what do you think you would do?  Remember, YOU are the business owner.   Are you going to just sit there and let them take more and more of your hard earned money, or are you going to make changes that benefit YOU and YOUR FAMILY? 

If you are honest, you said “make changes to benefit me and my family”…  And that is exactly what every small and midsize business owner in this country will do.  

And just like the yachting industry leaving this country and taking all those good paying jobs with it, President Obama’s plan to Tax those private jets will just send that industry overseas along with the good paying jobs that it provides. 

A TAX POLICY HAS CONSEQUNECES.  TAX the “Rich” & HURT yourself.   Or to use the phrase Mitt Romney used Wednesday night and which I cheered:  “That’s Trickle Down Government” and it doesn’t work . 

Now, as always, I’m going to ask you to THINK…. 

Do you want to vote for a “businessman” who understands the thinking of  business owners (the people who can give you a job)?   Or do you want to vote for a socialist Community Organizer who wants to go down the same path that has been PROVEN BY HISTORY to lead to LESS JOBS and LESS revenue for the government ?  The choice is yours but PLEASE, for your children and grandchildren’s sake, THINK before you vote. 

I am Whamm, Let them with wisdom hear. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

We Need Leaders With Vision

We need leaders, men and women with the character and vision of this man.

If you want to change the direction of this nation, you need to support those people who are willing to step forward and fight for you and your beliefs.  Even if they are not in your district or state.  We need them in Congress if we are going to have a chance at saving this country for our children and grandchildren.  

I am Whamm, let them with wisdom hear.   

Monday, July 9, 2012

Marxism On The March

Well I thought this stupid idea had been proven a failure wherever it has been tried and we here in the U.S. all new that, but I guess I was wrong.   Or to quote Forrest Gum; "Stupid is as Stupid does". 

It was interesting to hear retired Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, a decorated former Delta Force commander, U.S. deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence and Purple Heart recipient, lay out a step-by-step plan he says was the model used to institute Marxism; by Fidel Castro in Cuba, Mao Zedong in China, Stalin in Russia and Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and then draw parallels to Obama’s actions in the U.S.  
Those steps include the following:
1.      Nationalize major sectors of the economy
2.      Redistribute wealth 
3.      Discredit opposition
4.      Censorship of opposing viewpoints
5.      Control gun ownership
6.      Develop a constabulary force to control civilian population

Let’s look at each of these and see if we can find any evidence that the Obama administration is taking any of these steps; shall we?

#1.  Nationalize major sectors of the economy?

What would you call the bailout of G.M. with tax dollars?  Placing key executives on the Board of Directors with no vote by the stockholders.   Giving an “Ownership” interest to the Union (the same Union that backed Obama for election by the way... just a coincidence I'm sure).  And even making decisions regarding the products they would sell. 

How about pushing a National Health Care Plan thru that puts the government in charge of 1/6th of the U.S. economy.  And doing it by misleading the American people about its real purpose ( see “The Real Purpose of the Healthcare Bill”, my April 7th post ) and then lying about it not being a tax.

Oh yea, NONE of that sounds like the beginning of “Nationalization of major sectors of the economy”.  No, no, of course not.  Just go back to sleep sheeple.
#2.  Redistribute wealth:

Really???   Have we all forgotten Obama’s discussion with “Joe The Plumber” already ?  Listen to any number of his speeches and you’ll hear this theme over and over again.

#3.  Discredit opposition:

Say anything against President Obama and you are labeled a racist.  I thought we were all beyond race now that we have elected a “Black” man as our President.  It wasn’t just Blacks who voted for him now was it ?

#4.  Censorship of opposing viewpoints:

See my post from June 25th  “The War On Your Speech Rights Has Begun”

#5.  Control gun ownership:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently announced the Obama Administration will be working hand-in-glove with the UN to pass a new “Small Arms Treaty.”

Disguised as an “International Arms Control Treaty” to fight against “terrorism,” “insurgency” and “international crime syndicates,” the UN’s Small Arms Treaty is in fact a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.

If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate, the UN “Small Arms Treaty” would almost certainly FORCE the United States to:

- ENACT  tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding Americans cut through        even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally.

- CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms, all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course.

- BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons.

- CREATE AN INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale

#6.  Develop a constabulary force to control the civilian population:

Oh, you say “I haven’t heard anything about that from the Prez.” Really ???
Click this link and check out the “Prez” in his OWN WORDS: 

Well by my count, it looks like he is 6 for 6.  WOW, amazing huh?

I have been telling you for months that there are forces at work all over the globe who are working together for one purpose; unrestricted CONTROL of our lives.  If you’ve read all my posts and you still don’t see it.....   you had better pull your head out of your butt, it will make it easier for them to put the leash around your neck.

I. M.  Whamm, let them with wisdom hear.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The War On Your Speech Rights Has Begun

During a 2011 conference in Istanbul Turkey, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remarked how certain comments from those concerned about “Islamic fanaticism”  have been deemed as “incendiary”.  She and the Administration look to sympathize with efforts that would criminalize certain speech that is “an incitement to imminent violence.”  In addition she said:  “I want to applaud the Organization of Islamic Conference and the European Union for helping pass Resolution 16/18 at the Human Rights Council.” 
UN resolution 16/18 is an initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.  Resolution 16/18 seeks to limit speech that is viewed as “discriminatory” or which involves the “defamation of religion”, specifically that which can be viewed as an “incitement to imminent violence.” 
In a Forbes article from 12/30/2011,  Abigail R. Esman noted;  “the ‘incitement to imminent violence’ phrase – that is, which criminalizes speech which incites violence against others on the basis of religion, race, or national origin – has succeeded in winning US approval –despite the fact that it (indirectly) places limitations as well on speech considered ‘blasphemous’.” 

NOTE FROM ME:  Now the “blasphemous” label is used often by Islamists to silence critics of any of the teachings of the Prophet Mohamed since he supposedly only taught that which Allah gave him.  So let’s say you make a statement, something like “Muhammad was a teacher of hate and intolerance.  His and the Koran’s teachings promote hate and violence against everyone who embraces any other religion than Islam and / or refuses to submit to Islam, and therefore every non Muslim of this nation needs to fight against the advance of Islamic teachings into our society, government and laws”.   Now you just labeled Muhammad a “hate monger”, that would be considered “blasphemy”, by serious followers of Islam.  Would that lead to violence, as we have seen played out many times in European cites?  You called for  “every non Muslim.... to “fight” against [Islam’s] advance”  So, did you just “incite imminent violence”?  

 Now even though the Koran in Sura 9:5, actually  commands followers to “Slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them [captive], and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush”.  And Verse 29 adds, “Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day.”  Muhammad later confirmed this teaching in the Hadith, saying, “I have been ordered [by Allah] to fight the people till they say: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah’” Hadith 2:483.   Could you still be the one in trouble and facing arrest and criminal charges?  Does it matter that their scriptures insulted or threatened you?.... Wasn't that "hate speech"?   Or are YOU the problem for not just lying down and taking it?  Get the picture.  Who are they going to use these new powers to control? What groups?  THINK!  

Now back to the excerpt from Ms. Esman’s excellent article....

“What’s worse, the measure codifies into the UN agenda support for the very notion democracies now wrestle with, and which threatens to destroy the very fabric of our culture: tolerance of the intolerant, or rather, the question of whether a tolerant society must also tolerate ways of life that are intolerant – that oppress women, say, or advocate violence against homosexuals, or force strangers to marry against their will.  It is, in fact, this very concept that the OIC has long pressured Western governments to adopt in other ways, and that those supporting the adoption of Sharia law in the west have emphasized.”   

NOTE FROM ME:  I will be writing in depth about Sharia law in the coming months.  Every non Muslim must understand the threat it is to them personally. 

“It should be noted that organizations such as the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) and Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) have been frozen out of  important meetings regarding free speech and religious liberties, where Secretary Clinton herself has discussed using “old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming” to coerce Americans into refraining from statements critical of Islam.”

You will not hear of this in the "Lame Street Press".  Make no mistake, what is going on between the State Dept and the Islamist organizations is an intentional strategy to stifle free speech.

“Treaties” and "Regulations", which wield the same power as a law, are being created to force silence upon groups and individuals who are sounding the alarm about alliances being forged between our own State Department and organizations who espouse the overthrow of our form of governance.  It's the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" at work.

Don't think that elements in our government would use Islamist to force changes that will give themselves more power over you?   Read your history... Hitler used the Grand Mufti and his strict Islamist followers in his own SS.  They terrorized the Jews and the Christians who spoke out against him and what he was doing.  The Islamist ranks within the SS were the most violent and sadistic of all.  I have studied Islam and it's history for over 20 years and I tell you that you have reason to FEAR those that support the adoption of Sahria law within our country .  Our leaders are either ignorant of the teachings of Islam, and how these teachings are used by the fundamentalists to stifle anyone who dares to speak out against their rule.  Or they know full well and are just using it for their own purposes, as I indicated above.  CAN YOU THINK OF ANOTHER EXPLANATION for why they are working so hard to advance the Islamist’s agenda?

You must understand, there is a grab for a "fascistic"  type of  power going on at the highest levels of our government (Look up the definition of Fascism and you will recognize the changes taking place FIT perfectly, please, don't take my word for this, Look It Up).  As author Tim Horn says in his excellent new book "Ruling The Elite: Moving Power From the Parties to the People", we have created a “Political Aristocracy” in our country by giving power back to the same people over and over and over again.  They have created laws that benefit them and them alone. They exempt themselves from most of the laws that they craft and that the rest of us must obey. They are out of control and now that many of us are calling them out, they know that they must consolidate power NOW before we can rein them in.  
I implore you all to pay close attention to what is going on.  This may be the last election cycle where we still have a chance to wrestle control of our God given rights back into our own hands.  

In the coming weeks and months, I will be providing you links to websites and other information on action steps you can take to help spread the word.  MAYBE together, we can save this country for the sake of our children and grandchildren.  A good first step would be to order Mr. Horn's  book. He lays out a good action plan in the back, with ways we can all get involved.  Secondly, forward this Blog address to as many friends and family as you can.  They too have a stake in this as well.  

May God bless the United States of America, still, the last Best Hope for all freedom loving people. 

I.M. Whamm
Let them with wisdom hear.

P.S.  Tim Horn's book is available at  

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Are We Fools ???

This quote came from the Czech Republic, it speaks to how other countries see our country. It was translated into English from an article in the German language newspaper from Prague, Prager Zeitungon.
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President.”

OUCH!   TRUTH HURTS,  doesn’t it ?   This really speaks to the way people in other Representative Republics look at us and what we are doing to ourselves.  Many Europeans are looking at what has happened to their own economies under socialism and now they are looking at us heading down that same road and they are screaming at us; “Don’t go down this road, the bridge is out”.  But are we listening to the voices of experience?  NO.  We are heading full speed ahead toward the abyss.   WAKE UP! 

I am Whamm.  I have spoken.  Let them with wisdom hear. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Just another error or lie ?

OK…. Was he a lying to his publisher, or did he lie to us ??? And where are ABC (All Bull Caca), NBC (Nothing But Caca), CBS (Constant BS) and CNN (the Commie News Network) ???   Lost in perpetual adoration ???  Let’s get one thing straight… there are forces at work with the intent to make the Constitution of this nation, irrelevant. Our rights and protections as a “Free” people are being usurped on a daily basis.  Wake up !  There isn’t much time left to stop them.  Tell your Congressman and Senators that you’re not fooled by the shell game being played in Washington. Tell them that you are watching them and that you will hold them accountable when they come up for re-election.

The fate of your children and grandchildren is in your hands.  Are you going to stand up for them ?    Or are you going to let them be led into serfdom ???

Now check out this link: 


Saturday, April 14, 2012


Think legal and illegal immigration should be allowed to everybody who is deprived and suffering somewhere in the world ?  That it's "un-Christian" or “inhuman” not to take everyone in ???
Watch this video and you may realize that what is wrong, is to allow it to go on.
We need to find a better solution.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Is the Healthcare Bill Constitutional?  Here's a Powerful video from the Honorable Judge Napolitano:  

Open your mind's eye and think.      

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The REAL purpose of the Healthcare Bill

Back in 1989 the Federal Government did a study of the rise in the cost of Medicaid spending due to nursing home costs.  People were spending through their own assets paying for the nursing homes because Medicare and Med. Sups.  don't cover Custodial Care (non-medically necessary care).   This is the type of care most people need toward the latter years of their lives.  As people reach their 70s, 80s and 90s, things just wear out.  They need help with what are called the "Activities of Daily Living"  (dressing, bathing, toileting, transferring, etc.)  Now when people run through their own assets and are no longer able to pay for this type of care from their own savings,  they end up going on what is called Medicaid.  Medicaid is a joint Federal and State program that pays for care for those who can't afford to pay for their own care.  Well back in 1989 the Feds determined that based on the HUGH numbers of "Baby Boomers" , who would be going on to the Medicaid expense rolls, that by 2025 every cent coming into the Treasury would be going out in care costs for Medicaid recipients. ( Obama even quoted this stat in a speech he did when first proposing his plan ) In other words;  UNSUSTAINABLE EXPENSE GROWTH.  Well that just can't be allowed to happen so what does the Government have to do to control those costs???  How do you keep all those "Baby Boomers" from going onto the Medicaid rolls???  Simple, you have to put everyone under one system where they (the government) controls who gets life extending care and who doesn't.  If you don't get that Bypass Surgery or that Liver Transplant or that Cancer Treatment, the chances that you'll live long enough to need Long Term Nursing Care are dramatically reduced aren't they???   Understand this:  THIS HEALTH CARE PROGRAM IS NOT ABOUT PROVIDING MORE PEOPLE WITH BETTER CARE.... IT'S COST CONTAINMENT, IT'S ABOUT GETTING RID OF PEOPLE WHO WOULD BE A DRAIN ON THE SYSTEM.  THEY ONLY WANT TO PROVIDE CARE FOR THOSE WHO WILL BE CONTRIBUTING TAX DOLLARS TO THE TREASURY.  IF YOU'RE ON SOCIAL SECURITY, BORN HANDICAPPED OR BECOME DISABLED, YOU ARE A DRAIN ON THE SYSTEM AND THE SOONER YOU DIE, THE BETTER. 

If you're thinking:  "Oh they would never do that", ask yourself this question:  If I am no longer able to be a productive taxpayer and to keep me alive is going to cost a lot of tax dollars...   what is the Government's incentive to keep me alive ?  Well ???  How many of the younger generation, who have been indoctrinated to believe that aborting a baby is ok because it would be a “hardship” on the mother, won’t think that paying excessive taxes to keep you alive is a “hardship” on them, and that YOU should be aborted ?   Well  ??  Are you thinking now ???

Also notice that the Congress and the Executive Branch of the Government are not going to be part of this plan... oh no, they have a much, much better plan.  WAKE UP.   This Elitist Political Class now thinks that they are so far above us, that they should now decide who lives, and who dies...   for the good of “The State" of course.   

I am Whamm, I have spoken, let them with wisdom, hear.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lord Cromer 19th Century Egyptian British Consult said;
    “Islam reformed is Islam no more”.
There is not going to be a reformation of Islam, so you better learn what it stands for, "where" you stand and "what" you are,  in it's eye...

I am Whamm, I have spoken, let them with wisdom,  hear.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright moron."

--- H.L. Mencken, The Baltimore Evening Sun,

 July 26, 1920

Has that day arrived ?

Is this what you "Hoped" for ?

Think ! 

This man is not a moron. No! He is something much more dangerous.  He's a shrewd, devious and deceitful elitist. 

He thinks we are the morons who are incapable of understanding what his plans are for us.  He thinks we can be led by the ear to our cells.  There to be kept as powerless serfs.  Mere drones for him and his fellow elitists to use for their own power and glory. 

So,  are you a moron?
Or, are you capable of thought and reason???

In the coming days we will go on a mission together, a mission for the truth.  You will reach your own conclusions.  I will NOT tell you what to think....  you will have to think for yourself.

Come!  Let us reason together.

What's Really Going On???

 If you have been wondering what is really going on, like some of my friends, Meg S .,  Mindy S., Dave K., and Terry G., you are not alone. ...