Monday, June 25, 2012

The War On Your Speech Rights Has Begun

During a 2011 conference in Istanbul Turkey, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remarked how certain comments from those concerned about “Islamic fanaticism”  have been deemed as “incendiary”.  She and the Administration look to sympathize with efforts that would criminalize certain speech that is “an incitement to imminent violence.”  In addition she said:  “I want to applaud the Organization of Islamic Conference and the European Union for helping pass Resolution 16/18 at the Human Rights Council.” 
UN resolution 16/18 is an initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.  Resolution 16/18 seeks to limit speech that is viewed as “discriminatory” or which involves the “defamation of religion”, specifically that which can be viewed as an “incitement to imminent violence.” 
In a Forbes article from 12/30/2011,  Abigail R. Esman noted;  “the ‘incitement to imminent violence’ phrase – that is, which criminalizes speech which incites violence against others on the basis of religion, race, or national origin – has succeeded in winning US approval –despite the fact that it (indirectly) places limitations as well on speech considered ‘blasphemous’.” 

NOTE FROM ME:  Now the “blasphemous” label is used often by Islamists to silence critics of any of the teachings of the Prophet Mohamed since he supposedly only taught that which Allah gave him.  So let’s say you make a statement, something like “Muhammad was a teacher of hate and intolerance.  His and the Koran’s teachings promote hate and violence against everyone who embraces any other religion than Islam and / or refuses to submit to Islam, and therefore every non Muslim of this nation needs to fight against the advance of Islamic teachings into our society, government and laws”.   Now you just labeled Muhammad a “hate monger”, that would be considered “blasphemy”, by serious followers of Islam.  Would that lead to violence, as we have seen played out many times in European cites?  You called for  “every non Muslim.... to “fight” against [Islam’s] advance”  So, did you just “incite imminent violence”?  

 Now even though the Koran in Sura 9:5, actually  commands followers to “Slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them [captive], and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush”.  And Verse 29 adds, “Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day.”  Muhammad later confirmed this teaching in the Hadith, saying, “I have been ordered [by Allah] to fight the people till they say: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah’” Hadith 2:483.   Could you still be the one in trouble and facing arrest and criminal charges?  Does it matter that their scriptures insulted or threatened you?.... Wasn't that "hate speech"?   Or are YOU the problem for not just lying down and taking it?  Get the picture.  Who are they going to use these new powers to control? What groups?  THINK!  

Now back to the excerpt from Ms. Esman’s excellent article....

“What’s worse, the measure codifies into the UN agenda support for the very notion democracies now wrestle with, and which threatens to destroy the very fabric of our culture: tolerance of the intolerant, or rather, the question of whether a tolerant society must also tolerate ways of life that are intolerant – that oppress women, say, or advocate violence against homosexuals, or force strangers to marry against their will.  It is, in fact, this very concept that the OIC has long pressured Western governments to adopt in other ways, and that those supporting the adoption of Sharia law in the west have emphasized.”   

NOTE FROM ME:  I will be writing in depth about Sharia law in the coming months.  Every non Muslim must understand the threat it is to them personally. 

“It should be noted that organizations such as the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) and Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) have been frozen out of  important meetings regarding free speech and religious liberties, where Secretary Clinton herself has discussed using “old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming” to coerce Americans into refraining from statements critical of Islam.”

You will not hear of this in the "Lame Street Press".  Make no mistake, what is going on between the State Dept and the Islamist organizations is an intentional strategy to stifle free speech.

“Treaties” and "Regulations", which wield the same power as a law, are being created to force silence upon groups and individuals who are sounding the alarm about alliances being forged between our own State Department and organizations who espouse the overthrow of our form of governance.  It's the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" at work.

Don't think that elements in our government would use Islamist to force changes that will give themselves more power over you?   Read your history... Hitler used the Grand Mufti and his strict Islamist followers in his own SS.  They terrorized the Jews and the Christians who spoke out against him and what he was doing.  The Islamist ranks within the SS were the most violent and sadistic of all.  I have studied Islam and it's history for over 20 years and I tell you that you have reason to FEAR those that support the adoption of Sahria law within our country .  Our leaders are either ignorant of the teachings of Islam, and how these teachings are used by the fundamentalists to stifle anyone who dares to speak out against their rule.  Or they know full well and are just using it for their own purposes, as I indicated above.  CAN YOU THINK OF ANOTHER EXPLANATION for why they are working so hard to advance the Islamist’s agenda?

You must understand, there is a grab for a "fascistic"  type of  power going on at the highest levels of our government (Look up the definition of Fascism and you will recognize the changes taking place FIT perfectly, please, don't take my word for this, Look It Up).  As author Tim Horn says in his excellent new book "Ruling The Elite: Moving Power From the Parties to the People", we have created a “Political Aristocracy” in our country by giving power back to the same people over and over and over again.  They have created laws that benefit them and them alone. They exempt themselves from most of the laws that they craft and that the rest of us must obey. They are out of control and now that many of us are calling them out, they know that they must consolidate power NOW before we can rein them in.  
I implore you all to pay close attention to what is going on.  This may be the last election cycle where we still have a chance to wrestle control of our God given rights back into our own hands.  

In the coming weeks and months, I will be providing you links to websites and other information on action steps you can take to help spread the word.  MAYBE together, we can save this country for the sake of our children and grandchildren.  A good first step would be to order Mr. Horn's  book. He lays out a good action plan in the back, with ways we can all get involved.  Secondly, forward this Blog address to as many friends and family as you can.  They too have a stake in this as well.  

May God bless the United States of America, still, the last Best Hope for all freedom loving people. 

I.M. Whamm
Let them with wisdom hear.

P.S.  Tim Horn's book is available at  

What's Really Going On???

 If you have been wondering what is really going on, like some of my friends, Meg S .,  Mindy S., Dave K., and Terry G., you are not alone. ...