Thursday, November 12, 2015

Where Are The Leaders ???

It's Time for TRUE LEADERS. Leaders with hearts of Fire, and voices full of Thunder. We need leaders willing to stir up the Whirlwind of change and shake the foundations of this corrupt government like a mighty earthquake. We need leaders with vision, for it is written; "Without Vision, the People Perish".  

I look at the current candidates for President and I see some hope. But there are few with the fire, thunder and ground shaking passion of which Mr. Douglas spoke. When I watch the Benghazi investigation progress and see the questioning of Hillary Clinton, I want to throw a chair through the TV screen with the prayer that it will hit someone in the head on the other side and WAKE THEM UP. What the hell is going on. I want people tearing their clothes in indignation. I want to see fists and chairs flying like you see from time to time in the Taiwanese Parliament (at least I know they are alive over there). I WANT TO SEE BLOOD like a cage fight. I'm sick of the fake respect and courtesy given to lying, elitist, self serving parasites. Those who are climbing on the broken and dead bodies of true patriots to raise themselves to a loftier perch for their own power and glory. WHEN will we see JUSTICE embraced with the passion given a Super PAC. WHEN will OUR so called leaders in Congress show a FRACTION of the courage exhibited by Ambassador Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith and Ex-Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Dougherty? WHEN? WHEN?? WHEN???  

I am Whamm, may those with wisdom hear.  

Friday, October 2, 2015

Guns or A Mental Illness & Morality Problem

Again we are hearing a drumbeat to ban guns of one form or another. Come, let us reason together.  Switzerland issues every household a rifle!   Every Swiss citizen is considered responsible for defense of the nation. Their Government Trains every adult they issue a rifle.  Switzerland has the LOWEST GUN RELATED CRIME RATE OF ANY CIVILIZED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD !!!   CLEARLY GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM.   Instead we should be talking about why so many of our young people are willing to kill innocent men, women, and children. This was virtually never heard of 50 years ago. What has changed?    

There are 3 things that jump out at me right away. First, 50 years ago almost every person was raised with a belief in God’s ULTIMATE judgment, and a fear and respect of the law. Today the majority of people in our nation don't believe in a righteous God that will hold them responsible for their actions. And in fact many do not believe in a god at all. Then there is fear and respect of the law. Well I think we all know that fear and respect of the law has been dropping for years. And lastly we have seen a tremendous rise in the use of drugs for the treatment of mental illness instead of institutionalization which was much more common before 1975. I believe these 3 things have led us to the chaos that we find ourselves living with today.   Let's just look at the statistics regarding violent attacks in schools for example. The fact that in the last 20 years,  16 violent incidents inside of schools involving guns or bladed weapons, were all committed by individuals who were taking antidepressants at the time; should make us look at how these people are supervised.  I'm sure you have noticed TV commercials that list one of the "side effects" of many of these antidepressant drugs as suicide.  Maybe NOW they should add "murder"  to the list.    

Let us pray for the families who have lost their greatest blessings, their children and loved ones, let us grieve as a nation for the senseless loss, then let's get to work on the REAL problem; WE have a MENTAL ILLNESS AND MORALITY PROBLEM in this nation. THAT is an issue that we should ALL AGREE to do something about                

Thanks for your time and may God bless and protect each and everyone of you and your families. I Am Whamm, let those with wisdom hear.  

P.S. If you want more of my arguments against gun control and in favor of the 2nd Amendment, please go to my previous post "Gun Control Lies and Deception".    

Monday, August 3, 2015

Is Huckabee Right Or Wrong???

On the Sunday morning show Media Buzz with Howard Kurtz; Howard, Betsy Woodruff and Julie Roginsky discussed Mike Huckabee's comments regarding President Obama’s agreement with Iran and its development of nuclear weapons. It is reported that he said; “This President’s foreign policy is the most feckless in American history. He is so naive he would trust the Iranians and he would take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven”, now this statement has triggered a firestorm of attacks on Governor Huckabee.

What is amazing to me is the fact that the 3 people discussing the issue, raised by Governor Huckabee's comment, choose to attack the messenger rather than discuss the real point Governor Huckabee was making. That point being the FACT that this deal GUARANTEES Iran WILL produce nuclear weapons in the near future and the means to deliver them via the missiles they are acquiring from Russia. This "pathway" to a nuclear armed Iran, along with the stated aim of the Iranian regime to "Wipe Israel from the face of the earth", virtually GUARANTEES a HOLOCAUST, but this time the “oven” will be set at over 10 million degrees and millions will be killed in a nanosecond.

The inability of the "News Pundits" to apply critical thinking and deductive reasoning to a collection of facts, statements and the historical record regarding a particular issue continues to amaze me. Gov. Huckabee's prognostication is a reasonable one based on the lessons of history. Adolf Hitler told the world his intentions regarding the Jews and the world; “Deutschland uber alles oder nichts” (Germany over all or nothing), yet many ignored his proclamations disbelieving his stated intentions as real threats, however history has proven those threats were very real. Again the world is facing a nation whose leaders proclaim their intention to destroy Israel and to impose their ideology over the entire world. And yet again there are those in the press who refuse to look at the danger but who would rather attack those who are sounding the alarm as being to "shrill" or "insensitive”. They have no trouble laughing at Neville Chamberlain’s foolish trust of Hitler’s agreement in light of the historical record, but they can’t seem to see the correlation to Obama’s foolish trust of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's promises. Khamenei has proclaimed and documented his intentions regarding the Jews and Israel in his speeches and in his book Palestine, just as Hitler did in his speeches and his book Mein Kampf. Maybe BOTH of these books should be required reading for anyone professing to make “informed” commentary on the statements of political figures regarding issues related to Israel.

I.M. Whamm, let those with wisdom hear.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Obamacare Lies & Deception

The REAL purpose of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, AKA; "Obamacare"

What's the real reason for Obamacare? Is it really to provide care to those few million people who can't get insurance due to a preexisting health condition? Or for those who just can’t afford it? Or is it for "the children"? NO, those are just the sales pitches designed to make you feel bad for all those people who are being "denied" their "rights" and to make you believe that this government program is going to make healthcare MORE AFFORDABLE for EVERYONE. Those promises are ALL LIES. It's even called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). That sounds like it's going to be good for you, right??? WRONG! Here is what this is REALLY all about. Back in 1989 the Federal Government commissioned a study, a study on the rise in the cost of Medicaid spending due to nursing home costs.  People were spending through their own assets paying for the nursing homes because Medicare and Med. Sups.  don't cover Custodial Care (non-medically necessary care).   This is the type of care most people need toward the latter years of their lives.  As people reach their 70s, 80s and 90s, things, as my grandmother used to say, just wear out.  They need help with what are called the "Activities of Daily Living"  (dressing, bathing, toileting, transferring, etc.) Or they need round the clock supervision due to Alzheimer’s, Dementia or other cognitive desease.   Now when people run through their own assets and are no longer able to pay for this type of care from their own savings,  they end up going on to what is called Medicaid.  Medicaid is a joint Federal and State program that pays for care for those who can't afford to pay for their own care.  Well back in 1989 the Feds determined (based on the HUGE numbers of "Baby Boomers", who would be going on to the Medicaid expense rolls when they reached their 80's) that by 2025 every cent coming into the Treasury would be going out in care costs for Medicaid and Medicare recipients.  Obama even quoted this stat in a speech he did back in 2009 when first proposing his plan, he said "Medicare and Medicaid expenditures are on a collision course" with the revenue stream, In other words;  UNSUSTAINABLE EXPENSE GROWTH.  Well that just can't be allowed to happen so what does the Government have to do to control those costs???  How do you keep all those "Baby Boomers" (10,400 per day turning 65 right now) from going onto the Medicaid rolls???  Simple, you have to put everyone under one system where they (the government) controls who gets life extending care and who doesn't. That is why they wanted to pass a "Single Payer" system that would be completely controlled by the Federal Government (just like Medicare), but there wasn't enough support for that so they went with the PPACA plan to begin with. I say to "begin with" because "Single Payer" is their ultimate goal.  Why do you think that Obamacare is so messed up?  Why can't people figure out how to get into a plan?  And if they do get into one, why is it usually more expensive (unless they are getting a subsidy) than their old plan?  Why are they being forced into higher Deductibles, higher Stop Losses and why do the premiums keep rising at an astronomical rate?  Why???  It's intentional, they want to make you so mad at the system that you DEMAND they change it, and what will they offer to fix it ??? Why "Single Payer" of course.  Which is TOTAL CONTROL. Why do they want total control of who gets life extending care and who doesn't?   Think about it, let's say you're 75 years old and have a major health issue. Now if you don't get that Bypass Surgery or that Liver Transplant or that Cancer Treatment, the chances that you'll live long enough to need Long Term Nursing Care are dramatically reduced aren't they???   Understand this:  THIS HEALTH CARE PROGRAM IS NOT ABOUT PROVIDING MORE PEOPLE WITH BETTER CARE.... IT'S COST CONTAINMENT, IT'S ABOUT GETTING RID OF PEOPLE WHO WOULD BE A DRAIN ON THE SYSTEM.  THEY ONLY WANT TO PROVIDE CARE FOR THOSE WHO WILL BE CONTRIBUTING TAX DOLLARS TO THE TREASURY.  IF YOU'RE ON SOCIAL SECURITY, BORN HANDICAPPED OR BECOME DISABLED, YOU ARE A DRAIN ON THE SYSTEM AND THE SOONER YOU DIE, THE BETTER. 

Now if you're thinking:  "Oh they would never do that", ask yourself this question:  If I am no longer able to be a productive taxpayer and to keep me alive is going to cost a lot of tax dollars...   what is the Government's incentive to keep me alive ?  Well ??? Can't think of anything can you? Well neither can they, that’s why there is a “Death Panel” in the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Bill. What? You didn’t see it buried in the 2,500 pages of the bill? OH it’s there and it is called the Independent Payment Advisory Board or IPAB. The Board is a 15-member panel of unelected federal employees; its members to be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The law does not require the IPAB to be bi-partisan in structure, as is required for almost all other independent agencies. Its mission is specifically to restrict payments to doctors and hospitals.  And let me ask you; how many of the younger generation, who have been indoctrinated to believe that aborting a baby is ok because it would be a “hardship” on the mother, won’t think that paying EXCESSIVE TAXES to keep you alive is a “hardship” on them, and that YOU should be aborted ?  Well  ??  Are you thinking now ???

Also notice that the Congress and the Executive Branch of the Government are not going to be part of this plan... oh no, they have a much, much better plan.  WAKE UP.   This Elitist Political Class now thinks of themselves as being so far above us; that they should now decide who lives, and who dies...   for the good of “The State" of course.   Welcome to the brave new world "Comrade". 

I am Whamm, may those with wisdom hear.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Conundrums That Bug Me

The definition of the word Conundrum is: A riddle or something that is puzzling.

I did not come up with these, yet I agree with each point made … do you???

“Here are six Conundrums in the United States of America today:

1. America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.

2. Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.

3. They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.

4. Their representatives run the government - yet the poor keep getting poorer.

5. The poor keep getting poorer - yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.

6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about - yet they want America to be more like those other countries.”

Think about it !

These next three short sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current government and our cultural drift:

“We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.”

That is totally irrational, but exactly the kind of thinking that is becoming the “new norm” for making social policy.

And here's another one worth considering ...

“Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. How come we never hear about Welfare or the Food Stamp programs running out of money? What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.”

Think about it ...

And Last but not least …

“Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII, but at the same time, we are NOT stopping the payments or benefits to illegal aliens.”

Does that make sense to anybody out there?

I am Whamm, let them with wisdom hear.

What's Really Going On???

 If you have been wondering what is really going on, like some of my friends, Meg S .,  Mindy S., Dave K., and Terry G., you are not alone. ...