Monday, September 11, 2017

Evil ... Does it Exist?

          When asked about the existence of evil, Einstein answered as follows:

“Evil, does it exist? Does cold exist? In fact, cold does not exist.  According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality, the absence of heat.

Does darkness exist?  Darkness does not exist either.   Darkness is in reality, the absence of light.  Light we can study, but not darkness.

Evil does not exist.  It is just like darkness and cold.  God did not create evil.  Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God’s love present in his heart."

-Albert Einstein  

          Understand this; if you are not in tune with the Spirit of God, through love, humility and repentance, then you are in tune with the Satanic Spirit and it will lead you to embrace evil.  Remember what I told you earlier about what Einstein said, that evil is what exists when a person’s heart is not filled with God’s love.   Or as Jesus said: 

 “He that is not with me is against me; …”

-          Matthew 12:30

A very interesting statement.  Notice that Jesus gave no middle ground.  You are either with him or against him.  The fact is that there are two predominate Spirits that roam the earth and knock at the door to the heart of each person.  We decide to which Spirit we will open the door.  This act is the exercise of our free will, which has been granted to us by God himself.

Satan twists people’s understanding of the true will and nature of God to advance his own evil plans for mankind.  He is the supreme spirit of evil, the enemy of God and mankind. The common element that defines him no matter the name attributed to him is this; he demands the sacrifice of sins against God or the sacrifice of human blood in worship to gain his favor.    When I hear a news report of a terrorist attack where the attackers were shouting that they were doing it for their god ... I think; Really?  For your god?  What god needs some flawed, frail little human to kill people for him?  What's his problem, is his arm too short?

The real God, God Almighty, the God described in the Bible is ALL POWERFUL.  This fact is self-evident; He created the universe and everything in it.  Why then would anyone believe that this all-powerful God would need anyone to do anything for him?   Who calls their god “all powerful” but then thinks that their god can't control or destroy any person or group of people who offend him without their help?   That is the epitome of arrogance and that is a trait of Satan and his followers.

Only an impotent, phony god needs someone to kill people for him.   A phony little pretender to the throne, like Satan.   He needs the weak minded to sacrifice themselves and other people to him.   These pathetic puppets are serving Satan’s agenda when they attack and kill other humans, not the TRUE God.   Having spent years as a servant of Satan, I know of what I speak.  I am tired of watching these deluded souls being Satan’s pawns.  So, here’s a clue for those who are falling for this Satanic deception; THE REAL GOD’S ARM IS NOT TOO SHORT, He doesn’t need you to fight His battles.   WAKE UP!

What's Really Going On???

 If you have been wondering what is really going on, like some of my friends, Meg S .,  Mindy S., Dave K., and Terry G., you are not alone. ...