Friday, August 9, 2019

Guns or A Mental Illness & Morality Problem

Again we are hearing a drumbeat to ban guns of one form or another. Come, let us reason together.  Switzerland issues every household a rifle!   Every Swiss citizen is considered responsible for defense of the nation. Their Government Trains every adult they issue a rifle.  Switzerland has the LOWEST GUN RELATED CRIME RATE OF ANY CIVILIZED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD !!!   CLEARLY GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM.   Instead we should be talking about why so many of our young people are willing to kill innocent men, women, and children. This was virtually never heard of 50 years ago. What has changed?    

There are 3 things that jump out at me right away. First, 50 years ago almost every person was raised with a belief in God’s ULTIMATE judgment, and a fear and respect of the law. Today the majority of people in our nation don't believe in a righteous God that will hold them responsible for their actions. And in fact many do not believe in a god at all. Then there is fear and respect of the law. Well I think we all know that fear and respect of the law has been dropping for years. And lastly we have seen a tremendous rise in the use of drugs for the treatment of mental illness instead of institutionalization which was much more common before 1975. I believe these 3 things have led us to the chaos that we find ourselves living with today.   Let's just look at the statistics regarding violent attacks in schools for example. The fact that in the last 20 years,  16 violent incidents inside of schools involving guns or bladed weapons, were all committed by individuals who were taking antidepressants at the time; should make us look at how these people are supervised.  I'm sure you have noticed TV commercials that list one of the "side effects" of many of these antidepressant drugs as suicide.  Maybe NOW they should add "murder"  to the list.    

Let us pray for the families who have lost their greatest blessings, their children and loved ones, let us grieve as a nation for the senseless loss, then let's get to work on the REAL problem; WE have a MENTAL ILLNESS AND MORALITY PROBLEM in this nation. THAT is an issue that we should ALL AGREE to do something about                

Thanks for your time and may God bless and protect each and everyone of you and your families. I Am Whamm, let those with wisdom hear.  

P.S. If you want more of my arguments against gun control and in favor of the 2nd Amendment, please go to my previous post "Gun Control Lies and Deception".    

Thursday, August 1, 2019

What Is A Legacy

I have been thinking a lot about my legacy as of late. I have copied the following explanation of legacy from the website of a lifelong friend of mine, Rob Stewart. Rob is much more in touch with "feelings," and caring about the feelings of other people. I'm more like; shut-up, suck-it-up, get-over-it, and if that doesn't work, I HIT YOU. Anyway, I thought you might like to get his perspective on the subject before I go off on it. Enjoy!

"When most people hear the word legacy, they think of their material possessions. For some, that may be an estate of great wealth or a family business. For others, their entire material legacy will consist of a cardboard box filled with a few personal items and fading photos. But rich or poor, we each have another legacy we carry deep within our hearts and minds. It’s a priceless and irreplaceable legacy, a legacy of childhood memories, wisdom, and lessons learned along our life’s path.

Some of the greatest lessons I ever learned I learned from my grandfather while fishing. We would sit along the shoreline of a lake named Loraine, just below the cottage he had built with his own hands. With our lines cast out into the water and our eyes focused on the bobbers, we waited for that telltale dip that signaled a fish had taken our bait. While we sat there casting soft shadows in the early evening light, the smoke of his cigar keeping the mosquitos at bay, I would ask questions, and he would dispense wisdom. Wisdom gained along the path of his life’s journey. Some he would share in a couple of words, some in the form of stories. Those stories were always the best part of the evening, and I cherish them to this day.

Now, I ask you; when you were reading that account of the time I spent with my grandfather, didn’t it trigger memories of similar times you spent with your father, mother or grandparent? We all have them. We all have stories and family histories that our elders passed down while fishing, playing chess, or sitting around the kitchen table, stories of adventure, bravery, love, and sacrifice. These stories carry within them more true and lasting value to those we love than any bank account ever will.

I placed sunset pictures throughout this site as a reminder that we create our legacy daily, and that our days are numbered. The sunset symbol has to do with a James Joyce short story that I read back in college. It was about a man who has reached the autumn of his life, where I now find myself. He had just been honored at a dinner for his life's many accomplishments. Joyce, being a master of symbolism, closes the story with; “The time had come for him to set out on his journey westward.” The vision is painted in the reader’s mind. Westward to where the sun sets. No matter what we do, how fast we run, the sun still races past us to close our day. From the moment we are born, we begin our journey westward into our setting sun. Therefore, at each day’s sunset, be mindful of what that day has brought you and record what it taught you, that you and those that follow, may be blessed."

-Rob Stewart 

Now, wasn't that a nice break from my usual slap up-side the head?  Yeah, I thought so, but now it's back to Whamm time.  

What he was trying to say in a very polite and respectful way is; pull your head out of your butt and tell your kids and grandkids the essential things you have learned during your life.  Share those stories of your parents and grandparents overcoming the hardships of life.  Tell them what kept them anchored and sustained them during those times. And DO IT NOW!  Because it's later than you think dummy. 

There, now don't you feel better? . . .  I know I do.

I am Whamm, may those with wisdom hear.

What's Really Going On???

 If you have been wondering what is really going on, like some of my friends, Meg S .,  Mindy S., Dave K., and Terry G., you are not alone. ...