An interesting bit of prophecy history for those who may not know, but
sense something is wrong with the way Pope Francis is acting and speaking.
There is a document in the Vatican archives called The Prophecy of the
Popes that was created in 1143 by St. Malachy, an Irish archbishop who was
canonized a saint in 1190 AD.
The story goes that in 1139 Malachy was summoned to Rome by Pope Innocent
II. As he entered the city limits, he experienced a vision of future
popes. He immediately wrote a list of 112 short phrases listing the
attributes of the 112 pontiffs to take St. Peter's chair.
These enigmatic mottoes in Latin are supposed to represent the popes from
St. Malachy's time onward. In his prediction, Malachy prophesied that there
would be 112 more popes before JUDGEMENT DAY.
The Malachy Prophecies were first published in 1595, by a Benedictine monk
& historian named Arnold de Wyon, who found them five years earlier in
the Vatican archives. This 900-year-old prophecy accurately predicted that
Benedict XVI would be the 111th pope and that he would step down from the
papacy of his own volition. Therefore, if the prediction is correct
for the current Papal Conclave, Pope Francis will be instrumental in
bringing about the END OF THE WORLD.
I don't know about you, but I get a creepy feeling every time I see Pope
Francis. It's the same feeling I get when I sense demons in an area.
But maybe that's just the Macallen 18 talking.